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First time rabbit shooting


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I went rabbit shooting for the first time tonight. My friend Matt asked me out on his farm with another friend for the evening. I've never even shot a rifle before so we started in the Landrover first so I could get used to the rifle. I couldn't get on with the sight light so once that had gone I was hitting a few. Missing a whole lot too. Then when the light dropped it was back to the farm to get the quad bikes and we went all over the farm. I'm so tired now, I couldn't hardly lift the rifle by 11 so we called it a night. We only picked up 5 and of course I had to have my photo taken with them. You may notice that they aren't very clean shots :good: I'll get better though. I had a great time but I doubt I'll be able to use my arms tomorrow or even for the next week. post-3861-1175296945.jpg

As soon as this picture was taken, everyone ran forward to get the rifle, I couldn't even hold it for the picture very well. I really am a weakling :good:

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Nice 1 jonsey. Good to see the ladies getting involved in the spors :good:


Shame about Not geting clean kills thoe. :lol:


Im sure you will get better but practice on some paper targets rather than live animals. :good:


What rifle is it :good:


All the best


Kipper :lol:

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Thanks Kipper, I really enjoyed it but I won't be giving up the clay shooting for it. I will go again when I've eaten more spinach and built up my muscles a bit :good: Also 3 hours on that quad bike was a killer, my legs wouldn't work for 5 minutes afterwards.


I did ask Matt what the rifle was but I only remember that it's a .17. I'll be clay shooting with him soon so I'll ask him and pay more attention. The adrenalin was pumping so much I couldn't really take anything in. I can see why you guys love it so much.


I skipped a works dinner this evening for this and if was more than worth it.



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Steve, yes next outing I'll get some more photo's and I'll get some practice in too.


NTTF, you're right there was no bipod, Matt took it off because it's adds another 3lbs to the weight of the gun, and you can't tell from the photo but the quad has a plastic seat welded to the back (with seat belt, very posh it worked though I didn't slide off) and a rifle rest with padding on the left, it was just the right height. So being 'bipod-less' was ok. I took a few shots to the right, holding the gun up myself but it was hard work. At the start of the evening in the Landrover I had the window halfway down and rested the gun on that.


When I first starting shooting my 12g I had trouble lifting it up for a few weeks, after 100 shots I was exhausted, I work in an office and the heaviest thing I ever pick up is a pen so getting used to the gun took some time. It's fine now though. :good:

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