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Should my Gun do this ??

Alex C

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Evening All,


I have a Lincoln 12 g O/U which I use as a second gun for friends to use if I take them clay shooting. Its not worth a lot but it does come in handy now and again.

I lent it to a mate who's gun had bust the other night and it was not shooting the second barrel every time. Seemed better when switched to shoot bottom barrel first but still not perfect.


Anyhow, I have since taken it apart and given it a clean, I didn't seem that bad but was a little dirty. I cleaned it all out and gave it a light oiling and put it back together. Now when the gun is cocked the first barrel will dry fire and an immediate second pull on the trigger will fire the second barrel. Now my Miroku wont do the second barrel unless I either switch barrels manually or give the butt pad a bash.


Question is should the Lincoln not need the recoil to set the trigger for the second barrel or is the mechanism different ?


Is it still safe to shoot ??



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Is the safety switch hard over to one side to select what barrel fires first sometimes it's not right over and causes this problem


Some guns are recoil set to fire the second barrel and can fail on very light loads


Others are mechanical set to fire the second barrel and have nothing to do with the recoil


Easy test is to dry fire if both barrels fire then mechanical if only one fires and you need to hot the bottom of the stock to fire the second barrel its recoil set

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