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Cast bullet loads for .45-70

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I'm hoping there may be a few lads on here that can give me some advice re. casting and loading lead bullets?


I've just put my name to a marlin .45-70 and would like to use it with fairly mild loads to plink at the range. I've just redone the roof on my house so have a load of lead, but understand it will be a bit soft for full power loads? I've ordered a Lee melting pot and 405gr bullet mould and that's about as far as I've got. I could do with some tips for using it! Can I run soft lead as long as I don't drive it too hard?


I also understand that I can make a good lube from Vaseline and candle wax? Hopefully one of the Cotswold meet lads can help with that - all they ever talk about is lube so they must know what to do with it! :whistling:

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As with most things that I do, the money saving isn't really the point of the casting. I've just never done it. If I've never done it and it seems interesting, I'll often give it a go. From reading various articles on the web it seems I can make the bullets slightly harder by quenching them in water. I may give that a try.


As far as black powder is concerned, I don't really fancy the cleaning routine! Do the likes of Pyrodex need the same level of cleaning? I also don't have a BP safe storage container or the relevant paperwork to hold it.


Livefast - I shoot at Severnside now and again. Maybe when it's up and running you could come over and help me test it? I'm always happy for others to waste my ammo for me! I've been let loose on all sorts of stuff by other shooters. What goes around comes around. :good:

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Avoid the pyrodex in that gun, it is more corrosive than proper black!


I use to talk to a chap in Texas. He used a short single shot with black powder and 500 grain pure lead water quenched. Pan lubed with home made lube. Bullets pressed in by hand! A little crimp to hold them there. Shot all sorts with it!

A single is easy to clean, not so the Marlin. You would have to strip the old mineral oil out the action first and get it swimming in olive oil or mink oil or some other animal oil.

Great cal, very jealous!


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Livefast - I shoot at Severnside now and again. Maybe when it's up and running you could come over and help me test it? I'm always happy for others to waste my ammo for me! I've been let loose on all sorts of stuff by other shooters. What goes around comes around. :good:

That sounds like a plan, thanks!, It'll be a new experience for me as i've never been there. I've heard you've gotta wrap up warm from the Welsh wind....... I wanted to get a 45-70 when I bought my .44 Mag but trying to get a Rossi in that caliber was nigh on impossible and gave up!


I used 777 in my BP revolver and that cleaned out easily with water, although given the complexity of a lever action I'm not sure it's such a good idea

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Do not use BP or any of the BP substitutes in a modern lever action. Its impossible (virtually) to clean the mess out. Great fun but hardly worth the agro. You can't strip down a modern Marlin or Winchester the same way they could strip down the older models way back when.

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Back in the day I used to cast all my own pistol bullets in 45apc and 38/357, tens of thousands of them over the years and the Lyman Cast Bullet Handbook was my guide and mentor! :good:



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What ever lube mix you go with, a good rule of thumb with soft lead bullets is to look at the muzzle after a few first shots. If there is a wet star or wet with lube residue all is good on the lube front. If dry so will the bore be!

Compare a 22 muzzle to a jacketed bullet rifle for an illustration.

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There's some great advice here. Thanks guys.


Vince - I may take you up on that linotype. How much do I need to mix in? As for the lube, when did I say I wanted to take the easy route? :lol:

Its not linotype its monotype which it harder than linotype. About 1-4 mix should get you started nicely

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