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Does this happen to you?


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I went in to my usual newsagents this afternoon and picked up my two usual magizines,sporting gun and gun mart,took them to the counter and payed for them and then the newsagent asked fertivly "do you want a bag for those"i gave my usual reply "no thanks'and walked out,its never occoured to me before when he says it (every month)but when i buy say an auto trader or a paper or anything else for that matter he never says it.(i've never tried the extensive range of top shelf he stocks mind you 8)  :D )does anyone else get this,i'm goingto ask next month why he says it.

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neil- i suggest you pick up "Airgun World" and "Airgunner" as well next time. The newsagent's reaction should be interesting. They don't seem to bat an eyelid in Smiths when buying shooting mags. Its interesting Sporting Gun comes through the post in a plain brown envelope- the mags I've had through the post normally come in clear plastic. But they're not anything to do with shooting. Its just plain old crazy political correctness gone mad neil mate.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Did anyone get an envelope from the Countryside Alliance which was stuck down and had nothing in it? All it had was a tear in the top left hand corner but the envelope was completely empty. Spookeeee.

The following week they sent me a load of raffle tickets, so I am a bit puzzled by the empty one or have I just got a dodgy postey? :grumpy:

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