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Umm aren't there 2 seperate issues here. If the permission letter says 'up to .22' then this is what the landowner wants and you need to clarify it with them, THEN there is the matter of what the land is cleared for by your police force.


Anyway great news that you've got some new land!



Edited by LeadWasp
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If the landowner is stating 'up to .22 calibre', then my assumption would be that they don't want anything greater than 22LR using on it (for whatever reason). You do need to check with the landowner EXACTLY what they mean, AND with your FEO that the land has been cleared (unless you have an open ticket, in which case you can forget the FEO).


Do bear in mind that 'assuming' could put you in the position of armed trespass or being in breach of the conditions of your FAC. Neither one of those is somewhere I'd want to be !

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Umm aren't there 2 seperate issues here. If the permission letter says 'up to .22' then this is what the landowner wants and you need to clarify it with them, THEN there is the matter of what the land is cleared for by your police force.



This is how I read it.

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