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shotgun reviews


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We all seem to read gun reviews from the same bunch of testers who are more interested in keeping advertisers happy than really doing any indepth reviews, but on thing the could do is always used the same cartridges (middle of the road 28gram 7.5 and 32 gram no6 game) and do a pattern test at a fixed distance and report on number on hits in 30 inch circle and gaps found, this would at least give us some indications of how good the patterns were,

At present we also only get a testers personal prefference point of view rather than a independant technical report

We should also know things like does aluminium actions last as well as steel and its also unlikely a borrowed gun for a afternoon give enough time to make a valued judgement

Edited by ChrisAsh
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I was thinking about the wider picture, every month the re is a new gun review in all shooting magazines but all tell you very little nothing about if the gun shoots flat or where the ballance point is,


Quite often its like oil paintings, the value or quality is judged on who painted or made it rather than a unbiased view on that perticular item. Is the lowest cost gun from company x worth twice that of company b


Guns are all made by computer nowdays so we need good reviews to help judge them

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