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Today's two fields with three shooters


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So, was up at 02:00 fed and walked the dogs, then made a thermos of coffee, had a mug of tea and two slices of toast with butter and marmalade, then swallowed my mornings ration of pain killers LOL.

Did a bit of Fb and checks the weather forecasts again (yep 5 of 7 said DRY until late afternoon then showers, and two said occasional light showers).

Went and met my two co shooters fro the day, and took them to their field to set up, and then I forded the river and set up on my field.

Stayed dry UNTIL I had got set up, then started raining :( rained total about 45 mins, sometimes heavy, so I got a bit wet LOL

First birds appeared around 06:30 but not much was coming in range. So most of the shots were 40-60 metres, and I shot like a ****.

At 09:30 the other two lads decided to pack up, and I decided I would give it till at least 10:00

Come 10:00 and the odd birds were still coming, so I managed a couple more before starting to pack up at 10:15

Finished the day on 33 corvids and 18 pigeons.

Got home and playing with the dogs, throwing the ball into the field, and noticed a grey crow taking off and landing in the field, not really bothering with the dogs. So went and got the gun out of the motor (still had to unpack, dogs come first) and went to the fence. Couldn't see him, so shouted, but he didn't appear.

Was pretty sure he was still in the field, so opened the gate and went into the field, and headed to where I last saw him. Thought I saw a head so shouted again, and this time he took off, but he only got about 2-3 metres before I dropped him :)

Gave the dog a nice retrieve which she enjoyed :)

So that made 34 corvids and 18 pigeon for the day LOL

I have NO IDEA what the other two scored, but I hope they had a good day :)

BUT, like I said, I shot like a complete ****, and used 72 cartridges for the day (including the last one) :(

Yes, a few I didn't count as kills WERE hit, but didn't drop straight away (if they don't drop, I don't count them, hit or not), but still means I missed a lot :(

Ohhhh well, at least I had a few nice doubles, but most were just singles with single shots. When I missed, I missed big time, with three shots LOL


Ohh yes, forgot, the second bird of the day (first two were pigeons), went over my shoulder, I swung through and squeezed, dropped him on the spot, BUT, the recoil knocked me and the hide completely over onto the side due to the extreme angle I was at in the chair LOL.

Took me a good 3-4 minutes to get out of the hide and reset it all hahahahahaha

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Great report buddy...better then you ratio :lol:


To be fair it sounds like despite the weather you had a good time. I had my best day on the crows (102) in the rain. Had to go and warm up in the pickup every couple of hours but had a great day. I also had a similar mishap as you. I mostly shoot sat down and one day whilst sat slightly on a slope dropped a crossing pigeon...lost my balance and straight out the side of the hide into some nettles.


All character building stuff. Keep up the good work.

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So, turns out my two guest shooters got 35 between them. All being all, the farmer was happy. Pity we couldn't pick them as its was standing crops, but absolutely stinks of foxes in the fields with fox dropping everywhere, so they will soon gather them up and polish them off.

Farmer said not a problem, better than having them feeding on the crops

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