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The old "it's not a real Browning" chestnut


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It's not in the name it's the gun that counts if it fits and suites you enjoy I've shot a lot of different makes and models found the best for me is a lanba sporting lux could have bought guns costing triple what I paid for the lanba but chose it for fit comfort and above all I can hit things with it

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Does the Browning website have or did have at some point, the Medallist advertised. If so, was it advertised as the Medallist or Browning Medallist.

The Medalist ceased manufacture before the advent of the www, as far as I know, and appeared in marketing literature commissioned by the importers of Browning, but not by Browning.

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a skoda is a vw,but for less dosh.does not stop folk buying VW.......

People seem to take umbrage with the fact I keep pointing out the Medalist is not a Browning, so I'll say it again; there is nothing wrong as far as I'm aware, with the Medalist. I don't point out the 'none Browning' aspect because I think it's a rubbish gun, I point it out because I don't like to see people get conned into parting with their hard earned cash for a Medalist believing they are buying a Browning. I'll say it again, there is nothing wrong with the Medalist but it is NOT a Browning.

The point you make above is pertinent and valid in that VW took over Skoda and applied their experience, technical knowledge, skill, workforce and vast expenditure into making the Skoda the car it is today.

Exactly NONE of the above was applied to the Medalist by Browning simply because the Medalist was built by an Italian company called FIAS to specifications stipulated by Brownings importers at the time, and not by the Browning company.


Good soild gun For a "fake" browning

From all accounts, yes it is.

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