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A few hours on the stubble


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Was setting up our new scrim net (six metres long!) by 0800 on a very cold and foggy morning and as I knew they'd be picking up the bales I set up in the shade of the wood beneath a couple of young Ash and also because I knew that when the sun burnt off the mist it was going to be hot, and I'd be in the shade.

No wind whatsoever, and even my 'bobber' was static, and without a flapper (in mates shed) I wondered if I'd be able to attract anything.

Anyhow, a solitary jackdaw drifted by and was my first shot, and then a left and right at crows, one of which settled on the top bale of the nearest stack. By now the field was in bright sunlight but very still and business was slow, so after rearranging a couple of downed pigeons I did likewise with the pattern, but after an hour my score was a total of 5 birds, then ha da sarnie while bales were collected and landowner called round for a chat.

Looking across from my hide I was aware some birds were settling in the two mature Ash on the far boundary about 100 yards away so after giving it another hour I upped sticks and relocated beneath them. Was trying out my seat for the view when 2 pigeons appeared over top of net, saw me and flared off, my gun being behind me and empty!

Encouraged a little I settled in with a bottle of Lucozade, XL cheese crisps and a crab and prawn sarnie. :)

Then the wheels came off! Had some stunning fast crossing shots at distance but repeatedly missed those birds dropping into the pattern from directly in front; that opening and closing of wings as they drop and check then drop again was catching me out time after time.

At one time I had two consecutive left and rights at fast crossers, then followed by two consecutive misses at those dropping into the pattern!

Had to laugh but quite frustrating at times.

Anyhow, finished up with 43 pigeon, 3 crows and a jackdaw. Not a great bag but a great chill out. :yes:


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