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Drey Poking Poles


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I'm interested in making my own set of poles for drey poking but I begrudge paying the £150 most retailers charge for a set.

Anybody tried having a go at making a home made set ?

Trouble is finding poles that are rigid and lightweight. Been down the route of using lofting poles & ex-army tent poles. :good:

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You have identified the problem (light and strong), thats what forces most people to buy the commercial ones.


The nearest we got to a cheapo, but effective alternative, was narrow 6ft lengths of 2inch plastic pipe, using a joint to slot them together.

Reaching the taller dreys is where it all becomes a problem, as being lighter, its hard to hold straight.

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Thing is you need to find an alternative use item that would be both light enough and rigid enough for use when connected together for lengths of 20-30ft maybe more. I would only assume that these poles are specialist type and I can't think of anything that would connect together and achieve the length other than the chimney sweeping brushes, then I would be dubious of whether it would be rigid enough at 30ft. :good:

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Would not 1/2 inch metal electrical conduit work? Over here they are sold in 8', 10',and 12' sections and are very ridgid, as in you need a pipe bender to form. 8' lengths would probably be best for moving around the woods and since they are already tapper fitted no joiners would be needed. A shoulder strap for carrying and six sections would give you 48'.



However a good squirrel dog barking on the tree will put more squirrels out on the limb than any other method and they will be sitting relativly still for taking :good:



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