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Good day at vermin


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Firstly this was this afternoons results with a few mag\grey traps.. trapped about 40 birds this week alone.. Our county count is tomorrow two weeks (30th) so doing a lot of vermin the last few weeks.. The NARGC (Irish governing body for game shooting organize yearly competitions for every county.Will post a picture of the final number .. (the fox trap at the back is being used as a holding cage.. 6 mags in it from today ...



Some foxes last night... the bad news was we seen a MINK less than 200meters from where our proposed pheasant pen is to be located!! The second fox had its tail removed before the photo was taken


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Well done Eoin, a lot of good work being done there :good: Great pictures too.


A lot of diesel being used alright... :lol: But well worth it ..finally starting to put a dent in there numbers ... :lol:

Seeing that mink was worrying though, have the landcrusier loaded with my 10 mink cage traps to be deployed tomorrow..

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A lot of diesel being used alright... :lol: But well worth it ..finally starting to put a dent in there numbers ... :good:

Seeing that mink was worrying though, have the landcrusier loaded with my 10 mink cage traps to be deployed tomorrow..


I know what ya mean, time consuming lark too but well worth it like you say. Few locals here have mentioned seeing less greycrows and magpies around lately :lol: It's always good to hear :good: I've not had any run ins with mink thus far thankfully.

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That's a good haul there! Interesting trap design those ones, looks fairly confined for the call bird. Any chance of a shot showing the mechanism?


Very simple sliding door mechanism.. i'll do some photos this evening..


EXCELLENT :good::lol:




Cheers Frank...

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