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Dog fleas


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I have now spent £ 80 odd. Pound on front line tretment new bedding and the dog still has fleas I have 3 dogs 2 out side 1 in side which shih tzu and it picks any flea tick up which is the best treatment the two working dog are well up to date with all treatment and dont have any sign off fleas but have been treated any way I think she is picking them up at groomers ?

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I work in pest control and sprayed a house for fleas today where she was adamant her dogs picked up fleas at the groomers.

So you might be correct there.

Treating all the animals with a really good spot on treatment, wash all the animals bedding on a hot wash, an intense vaccing session of the whole house and an insecticide spray treatment would be your best bet.

I use diatomaceous earth on my dogs, I buy food grade white stuff online.

It's a mechanical insecticide that destroys the fleas cuticle and is harmless to mammals.

Good luck

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My dogs had a problem with the above varmints the other year or two back. I tried all sorts but in the end I found the best and final solution was a systematic regular raking through with a fine-toothed flea comb and physically dispatch the blighters. I got a white china dish into which I put water about two inches deep and then a splog of bleach. I start combing the head and nape of the neck down the back in orderly lines working along the sides so as to herd the varmints down and back. Then I roll the dog on its back and work down the chest. Sooner or later if there are any unwanteds on board you can see them moving through the fur in the area of the stomach and groin where the fur is thinner and you can see them. it is at this stage that I dip the comb into the bleach mix and douse the flea which seems to paralyse it so that you can rake them out and immerse them in the bleach water in the dish. They don't like it up em. You got to use bleach or else they just walk out and jump off. You got to keep the flea in the fur or else they will jump. When you got one don't look at it or it will jump get it in the bleach mix quickly. If it does jump drag the dog over the floor like a drag blanket because the flea will jump back on board and give a second chance to capture it. When we had this problem I did this several times a day for a couple of weeks when I could find five minutes. I think that the dogs picked them up out in the fields going under styles on footpaths where there are a lot of dogs being exercised. When I do this I just have bare arms because sometimes the blighters jump and I could capture them off of my bare arms rather than getting into my clothes and then biting me, which did happen. When a flea bites you, you really feel sorry for the dog having them in its fur. Flea signs are the dog being skittish >> digging its bedding, vigorous biting of its legs and base of tail ect, Small red spot bite marks (Dots) on it's belly and black bits like specks of dirt which are flea poo that dissolve into a red patch if put on a wet bit of tissue. Best kill tally of fleas in one hit was thirteen and most of them were off of the dog’s head.

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Treating the dog is only worthwhile if you treat the environment too. I gave up on advocate as a day or do after a treatment I would still see them on her even though I sprayed the house. I now use 4Fleas tablets which kill fleas within minutes. It only lasts a day but I spray the house so it keeps them under control.

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