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Iphone 5s rain proof cover


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I have an aquapac. Seals watertight. Your iphone 5 will fit inside no problem. Pm me your details and ill post it you on Monday. I don't use it anymore as my phone is too big so you're welcome to it.

What a star! Many thanks. :good:

In that case, if anyone wants a used Otterbox for the 5s, PM me your details and I'll send off as soon as I can get to the post. It's in very good nick, just not watertight I'm afraid.

Otterbox spoken for now.

Edited by Scully
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I have a 5c in a Griffin Suvivor case,

It's survived loads of bumps, drops, scrapes or being rolled on when it's in my pocket whilst I'm climbing under cars .


I'm after the same case for an IPhone 4s but am told its discontinued as the phone is "old hat" now (bleddy cheek)

That's annoying. A couple of weeks ago I gave my 4s Griffin case (indestructible) to a work colleague and I noticed on Friday he isn't using it. I have a sneaking suspicion he may have sold it on eBay; he's a hungry ******.

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