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Two homes? how do you do it?


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I've hot two homes; one in Wales, one in England. I commute between the two. I've applied for a SGC in wales, as as it's where I'm currently shooting, but ultimately I'd like to shoot in the south as well, and perhaps have a couple of guns there too..


So how do you do that? If I install a cabinet in the south, do I need to get it inspected as well?


What about traveling; do I need a special setup in my car at all?


Sorry for the newbie questions :-)

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You apply using your main home, the one where you are registered for your doctor, your income tax and the like.

A cabinet in both is the sensible, secure way forward. When staying away from home there is no need to have that security inspected, although it may be prudent, dependent on how long away from home you intend to be, particularly if you intend to leave guns unattended in an empty property. I suspect that if this was the case the police would not consider normal storage secure enough and would veto such an arrangement.

When traveling security is your responsibility. Splitting the gun into pieces and keeping them separate and not left unattended is the way forward.

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I did it both in the same County had to have the guns at one house till I moved over full time


I don't envy you sorting that suppose keep them were your fac is issued to and take them with you to be locked up in the other house when your using them just like a holiday home rental etc.


Ask your shooting organisation for advice

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