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that methods just about guaranteed every time if you have the patience to wait. Now you've popped one just prop him/her up using twigs so it looks like its eating at the nest. You will soon get another one :good:, Only leave one magpie on the floor though as two seems to ward others away. Very good shooting, it takes patience and skill to get a magpie so well done :lol:

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I noticed they are vey cautious. Far more so than pigeons. Only just really got into actually killing vermin because, as I have mentioned, I wanted to be sure I could kill first time what I am shooting at.


Again I waited for it to present the side of its head to me. I shot, but it did flap for about 5 seconds and then moved slowly whilst face down. I put another round through the top of its head.


I thought my first shot was off, but on examination it went in just behind the eye.


Any ideas on the movement afterwards? Or is this normal?


Appologies for the graphic detail.

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If you got him through the brain then he will twitch for a while just natural spasm.


Rabbits do it and so do squirrels, read my post on the one I got the other day :good:


They have really sharp eyesight the maggies that's why they are more cautious, any slight movement and they will tag you. :lol:

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Also have a look at the surrounding area, most maggies will find a perch to have a look what is going on before they swoop down. Try to position yourself to get a good view of the decoy nest and a possible perch :good:


I know exactly where they perch. Either the tree line in front of me, that feild is full of them, or on top of the Aerial (Amateur Radio Aerial) on top of my house. That's where that one came from.

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i would just go for body shots on magpies as they are a really fragile bird, you hardly need to touch them and its lights out, They are that fragile your pellets will still pass right through the body and out the other-side (even .22). Unlike pigeons which are real tuff cookies. :good:

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i would just go for body shots on magpies as they are a really fragile bird, you hardly need to touch them and its lights out, They are that fragile your pellets will still pass right through the body and out the other-side (even .22). Unlike pigeons which are real tuff cookies. :good:




If you are patient and can wait til the pigeon has its back to you the pellet will go up under the feathers easily, but as AC says they are tough cookies against the wing feathers, if you are stalking them in trees try the same approach, from below and behind for a killing shot.


Well done Cupraman, another Magpie out of the way... if everyone of us shot a couple of magpies now maybe we could make a difference to the songbird population?


:lol: D2D

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In the feild I back onto there are maybe 5 pairs in it.


I found 2 dead Black Bird chicks when I got home yesterday, my wife said the Magpies had been in their nest in my garden.


My hope is to eradicate the 5 pairs

I wish you the best of luck and REALLY hope your successful! :good:

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I dont think I have ever posted what equipment I have.


So's just to ket you know...


Daystate RWS 500 - Synthetic with Hawke Sidwinder Scope

Beretta 682 Gold E

Escort Magnum Semi Auto



What about the Army and Navy .410 :lol::good:



And what he said :good:


Someone is watching me ;) best I get some piccies of them. We rebuilt the webserver and I lost em all :lol:

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if you have farm building to shoot over, they seem to hang round them, me and lanber shot 3 magpies 2 pigeons while we were having a coffee sitting at the back of the vitara, strange they have less fear of people round farm buildings must be the comings and goings :lol:

happy shooting kid

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I dont think I have ever posted what equipment I have.


So's just to ket you know...


Daystate RWS 500 - Synthetic with Hawke Sidwinder Scope

Beretta 682 Gold E

Escort Magnum Semi Auto



What about the Army and Navy .410 :good:;)



And what he said :lol:


Someone is watching me :good: best I get some piccies of them. We rebuilt the webserver and I lost em all :lol:


Nice kit should cover all the bases!


if you have farm building to shoot over, they seem to hang round them, me and lanber shot 3 magpies 2 pigeons while we were having a coffee sitting at the back of the vitara, strange they have less fear of people round farm buildings must be the comings and goings :lol:

happy shooting kid


Good tip, must love to sit in a jeep while sipping coffee and blasting the black un' white terrors!

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I did not shoot this evening. I was too knackered. I did try the matchbox call, worked really well had 2 pairs and the mate of the one I killed yesterday perched in trees and on houses.


Then.... 2 Of the biggest crows turned up. Calling away. Now how do I get them into the garden?

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I did not shoot this evening. I was too knackered. I did try the matchbox call, worked really well had 2 pairs and the mate of the one I killed yesterday perched in trees and on houses.


Then.... 2 Of the biggest crows turned up. Calling away. Now how do I get them into the garden?

Now as for crows, couple of methods:


First one, slit open a rabbit/squirrel or try some minced meat and place it with some crow decoys. Then crows think free dinner, hang on some one is in MY garden robbing MY free dinner! Rush in head first and bang.


Second one, go to the fields put an owl decoy out on a fencepost or somewhere natural then place a couple of crow decoys nearby (deeks not necessary though prob increase success) and wait within 30yds in a hide with the shotgun. Crows come into mobb owl, you empty both barrels on them.


Hope that helps,



I have not tried either methods but know fellow PW users have had good success with both!

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I did not shoot this evening. I was too knackered. I did try the matchbox call, worked really well had 2 pairs and the mate of the one I killed yesterday perched in trees and on houses.


Then.... 2 Of the biggest crows turned up. Calling away. Now how do I get them into the garden?

Now as for crows, couple of methods:


First one, slit open a rabbit/squirrel or try some minced meat and place it with some crow decoys. Then crows think free dinner, hang on some one is in MY garden robbing MY free dinner! Rush in head first and bang.


Second one, go to the fields put an owl decoy out on a fencepost or somewhere natural then place a couple of crow decoys nearby (deeks not necessary though prob increase success) and wait within 30yds in a hide with the shotgun. Crows come into mobb owl, you empty both barrels on them.


Hope that helps,



I have not tried either methods but know fellow PW users have had good success with both!


Thnaks for the advice. I will try the mince meet bit :lol:

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nice shooting with the old maggies!!im fed up with them!!im waiting on my .22 coming so i can sit in a hide an take a few out!few weeks ago fields got slurried,17 maggies in 1 field!!its a joke!!


with reading through your replys im going to try the eggs in a nest,hopefully do the trick!!i also found a blackbird dead across the road from me,reckon it was a magpie??

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nice shooting with the old maggies!!im fed up with them!!im waiting on my .22 coming so i can sit in a hide an take a few out!few weeks ago fields got slurried,17 maggies in 1 field!!its a joke!!


with reading through your replys im going to try the eggs in a nest,hopefully do the trick!!i also found a blackbird dead across the road from me,reckon it was a magpie??



Could have been. The best bit for me about the magpies is I can sit at home and pop them off :lol:

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