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FAC Question.


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I know its been asked 100 times but..I think to have a .22 rf would be a great advantage to me at times.I know the property has to be suitable but what else is involved and what do i need to know/I do read up on ballistics and ricochets etc but it seems pretty complex getting a fac.Thankyou.

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I know its been asked 100 times but..I think to have a .22 rf would be a great advantage to me at times.I know the property has to be suitable but what else is involved and what do i need to know/I do read up on ballistics and ricochets etc but it seems pretty complex getting a fac.Thankyou.

Fill in the form (including references and land usage forms), you need to have a reason for each and every gun. Install the cabinet, get the inspection and pass the interview. In order to pass the interview and be granted the FAC you need a good knoweldge of ballistics and rifle safety. Most flo's expect you to be at a shooting club and spent some time target shooting first.


I was going to apply for my FAC 22lr then decided personally my land wasn't suitable and I didnt have a nearby range to become accustomed to a rf safely. You should think along these lines first before applying for a FAC. There is no rush, get some exp under your belt THEN apply when you know your safe and can answer any question thrown at you from the FLO.

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Don't be put off by thinking it is difficult to get a FAC. I stuck with shotguns for over 20 years because I thought that getting a FAC would be far too difficult. It wasn't. Join a rifle club, it sound like you already have land to shoot over, and get your application in once you have been at the club a while. Some Police Forces will favour a .17 over a .22 as the round are lighter and will fragment rather than ricochet. That is something you will find out talking to your new buddies at the rifle club. Do it, you will find a whole new world of shooting opens up to you.

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I don't intend to hijack your thread mate, hopefuly the answers will help you too;


I used to do a lot of target shooting and got my f.a.c. for that (and only that). You'll find that people at gun clubs don't usually know anything about shooting in the field with them (unless there happens to be people there that do, though I've never come accross any) and won't be able to advise you when it comes to being alowed to use firearms on land.


What it will do however is teach you the basics of firearm safety and it'll look good on your application. Ideally, people on here who have been through it all will hopefuly be good enough to explain more.


What does the flo want to know? i.e. what should you be reading up on, firearms safety's simply common sense but it would be nice to be able to give the answers he's looking for.


Anything else that's helpful?


Now, myself and a friend have permission to do literally anything to rid the farm of vermin, we both use shotguns on there and he can use his .22 on there (I do too occasionally but wouldn't like to get caught) I think he's got an "open certificate" because he's got other land to shoot so the land we share isn't cleared by the police as far as I know.


I want to apply to use .22s on there (and hopefuly bigger calibers). it's about 2miles long and 1 and a half wide (don't know the acreage) it's got one footpath running accross it's width more or less in the middle and one along one of the ends, and a road. it's fairly flat but has woodland along one side and there's nothing on the other side for at least half a mile. Aparently it should be fine but I've yet to find out :good:

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Thanks for all the responses.You may have noticed my threads re my permission being quiet.there are alot of rabbit who seem to live on a 10feet wide strip along a railway embankment.Slightest sound and they are through it so need to be shot as sitters with first shot.Think a longer range shot might be an advantage.Will visit local club as have meant to anyway and have a chat with farmer to see how he feels about my ideas.Quality replies as always ta.

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you guys seem to have it tuff getting fac nowadays !!


i was the same as mossy just applied and got it no hastles about land clubs not a thing


pics refferences and bob is your uncle


must cost alot of cash to go to these clubs and so on ??


my advice is get to know someone who has shot rifles for years an tap into there brain

and learn see if you can go out into the field with them for some hands on exspierence

then get that form and fill it in write the cheque and see what happens



ps good luck

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