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Napier gun cleaner v oil


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Oil is a widely used name.


'Lubricating' Oil (like Parker Hale Express, 3 in One, motor oil does a good job lubricating, and also pretty good at protection, but not all that hot on cleaning.


Cleaner (such as Youngs 303) does a good job on cleaning, pretty good on protection, but not intended (or good at) lubrication.


'Preserving type' oil (such as Rangoon oil) does a good job on protecting, not much on cleaning, but not intended (or good at) lubricating.


Grease is also excellent for lubricating the less delicate parts and good (if messy and inconvenient) at protection. It is not a cleaner.


None of the above displace water well.


WD40 doesn't do any of the above particularly well (my opinion) but does what it was intended to do (water displacing) pretty well.


KEY with all cleaning and lubricating is to clean away the old taking grit, powder residue, dirt etc - and sparingly apply new oil - lubricating/preserving as appropriate. Never apply enough to allow it to run into the wood. I have heard very good reports of synthetic motor oil as both lubricant and protectant oil.

Edited by JohnfromUK
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