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Which Pellets - Rabbits and Magpies


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A quick answer would be appreciated as I need to order some today. As I have just started hunting vermin I wonder if you could advise me what pellet would be best for Rabbit and Magpies.


My rifle is a Daystate RWS 500 .22


I am currently using what I had for target practice which is Air Arms Domed.


I was thinking either Air Arms Pointed or RWS Pointed.


I am not sure if I should be using hollow point.


Thanks again in advance.

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Most pellets will do the job. I think accuracy is more important than pellet shape. Use whatever gives you the best groups. Pointed pellets are usually not as accurate as they are less aerodynamically stable. Penetration isn't always a good thing. You want the pellet to do damage to the quarry, not pass straight through it.

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Air Arms domed pellets are pretty good. If they fly well from your rifle you'll do well sticking with them. I never use points for anything, they're never as accurate. Crossman Accupels work for me, but only because they group slightly better than the Air Arms IN MY GUN. Don't bother to try them if you already group well with what you're using now, there's no point. A good dome will kill better than a pointed pellet, especially at close range :good:

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Air Arms domed pellets are pretty good. If they fly well from your rifle you'll do well sticking with them. I never use points for anything, they're never as accurate. Crossman Accupels work for me, but only because they group slightly better than the Air Arms IN MY GUN. Don't bother to try them if you already group well with what you're using now, there's no point. A good dome will kill better than a pointed pellet, especially at close range :good:



Yeah thats what I use and will stick with. Once again. Thanks all

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A good domed pellet is worth 1000 pointed jobbies.


Domed are more accurate, due to stable flight and deliver a harder impact.


I personally use Accupels, but as has been said choose the pellet to suit the gun, those packs where you get 20 or so different types may be the way forward for you. Trial and error.



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I use Logun Penitrators in my AirArms T200 I have found these to be the best that suits the rifle I have tried many different pellets and finally settled on these. They will stop rabbits and magpies no problem although they do tend to carry through but if its a head shot this is not a problem.


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I use Logun Penitrators in my AirArms T200 I have found these to be the best that suits the rifle I have tried many different pellets and finally settled on these. They will stop rabbits and magpies no problem although they do tend to carry through but if its a head shot this is not a problem.



I recently switched from bisley magnums to penetrators and I know what you mean about them carrying on through. Still, not much gets away now. Shot a magpie yesterday through its chest (It was all I could see) and he was dead before he hit the ground.

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