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Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire/license renewal

Roy King

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At the end of October I received a reminder that my firearms and shotgun certificates were due for renewal.

So within two weeks the forms were completed with photo's and signitures etc and were posted.

I heard nothing from them until 23 of February , I had a call from the firearms officer, and she came and checked my guns /serial numbers etc.

During a rather pleasant conversation she told me that most firearms departments were running some delays. With the recent merger of Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire firearms department, she is now working in and out of Cambridge as well.

My certificates arrived on the 4 of March. My licences actually expired on the 28 feb.

So all in all,, not too bad, I can now go out and buy some 17HMR rounds

Keep up the good work BEDS N HERTS.

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