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Baikal 410 Single Barrel


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I've had one of these for some time and I put one of those Saddlery and Gunroom 9" moderators on it. It works great, but for various reasons I no longer need to be so hush hush, so I'm taking the mod off.


I recall to install this I had to remove the front bead, but I have no idea where I put it. Searching online is a minefield saying different thread sizes. Does anyone know what thread size the front bead might be or more importantly, where i can get one?



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I've had one of these for some time and I put one of those Saddlery and Gunroom 9" moderators on it. It works great, but for various reasons I no longer need to be so hush hush, so I'm taking the mod off.


I recall to install this I had to remove the front bead, but I have no idea where I put it. Searching online is a minefield saying different thread sizes. Does anyone know what thread size the front bead might be or more importantly, where i can get one?



Did you remove it without damaging it? I'm thinking about getting one myself. Edited by Glenlivet
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Did you remove it without damaging it? I'm thinking about getting one myself.


Yes. You push a bush on, then tighten a fitting on the barrel with a spanner then hand screw the sleeve over the whole lot. Easy-peasy, except you need to remove the bead (then lose it) :lol:

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Yes. You push a bush on, then tighten a fitting on the barrel with a spanner then hand screw the sleeve over the whole lot. Easy-peasy, except you need to remove the bead (then lose it) :lol:

When I read the fitting description it sounded like the bush had to be altered to be a snug push fit. Are you thinking of selling it or keeping for a later date?

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I don't know if it's still the case, but there used to be 2 versions of this. There was the cheaper one where something was pressed onto the barrel and it was a permanent fix and the more expensive one (like this one) where you have a choice of a couple of sleeves that slip on the barrel, then a collar that goes over that, locked into place with a plastic nut, then the actual moderator tube screws onto that. You can put it on and take it off with a spanner in less than a minute.


It's obviously not as quiet as a full length hushpower, but I'd say the noise is akin to a champagne cork popping.


Yes I'd consider selling it as it's only going to gather dust.





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I don't know if it's still the case, but there used to be 2 versions of this. There was the cheaper one where something was pressed onto the barrel and it was a permanent fix and the more expensive one (like this one) where you have a choice of a couple of sleeves that slip on the barrel, then a collar that goes over that, locked into place with a plastic nut, then the actual moderator tube screws onto that. You can put it on and take it off with a spanner in less than a minute.


It's obviously not as quiet as a full length hushpower, but I'd say the noise is akin to a champagne cork popping.


Yes I'd consider selling it as it's only going to gather dust.



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The Hushpower arrived today, many thanks to Walshie for an extremely well packaged bargain :-)


Fitting was something of a challenge as the collar only just went over the end of the barrel which, I've just discovered, is not parallel but gradually thickens. 20 minutes drifting the collar with a rubber hammer and piece of wood got it far enough up the barrel to fit the locking nut and moderator. It will never come off!!! I think not designed for an 80 year old gun. It works a treat, still not exactly quiet but sounds more like an air rifle than a shotgun. Will have to try getting hold of some subsonic says advised in the write up by the supplier.

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The Hushpower arrived today, many thanks to Walshie for an extremely well packaged bargain :-)


Fitting was something of a challenge as the collar only just went over the end of the barrel which, I've just discovered, is not parallel but gradually thickens. 20 minutes drifting the collar with a rubber hammer and piece of wood got it far enough up the barrel to fit the locking nut and moderator. It will never come off!!! I think not designed for an 80 year old gun. It works a treat, still not exactly quiet but sounds more like an air rifle than a shotgun. Will have to try getting hold of some subsonic says advised in the write up by the supplier.


Glad you got it O.K. :good:

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