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An error

deny essex

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Went out yesterday morning for a go on some pea drill, not been out for months due to the mrs transplant surgery .

Grabbed my new semi auto which I had only used once or twice for brief sessions some months ago.

Spotting birds landing high on the gently sloping field that was the place to be even though the field was pepper'd in top laying peas.


After a reasonably long haul up the field even with light kit I was a little creamed.

I set up a triangle hide on the margin backing on to a blackthorn hedge, set out 6 modified FUD's and let the wind do the movement on them.

Settled back in the hide and arranged the kit in the limited hide space.

Before I was sorted the fist birds came in , no shot was taken and they soon spotted my movement and moved on.


Sorted and loaded the birds came in in singles and multiples, I added real birds to the decoys and added a flapper on a remote control.

That made some difference and drew birds from way down the field bomb'ing over and into the pattern.


I was getting frustrated at my kill ratio which was poor and put it down to a lack of shooting over the months, it was not until much later that a brain cell woke up

and I realised I had meant to alter the gun fit on the new auto as it was off for me , my error.


I fired an embarrassing amount of shots for 24 birds and should had I been on form and not error'd in gun fit no doubt would have had a much better day.

None the less was good to get out and remember why I have decoyed pigeon for near 38 years.


Good drill shooting all.

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