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I Hate being a Lefty


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Just ordered a Beretta 682 Gold E and have been told it won't be in till August !!!!! :unsure: I'm gutted. Just because I want it left handed.


Have any other lefties had to wait this long to get a L/H gun :good:??

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I'm a lefty, and have just used R/H shotguns all the time, seems fine for me (most are cast pretty straight anyhow).... My rifle is left bolt, but it wouldn't bother me using a R/H one, as i've had to put up with a lot of rifles i've used in the past being right handed) ... :unsure:

Have you tried looking for a second hand one ? it could save you a lot of time....

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but you're just paying for a L/H-opening top lever, and a L/H palm swell (if applicable) on a 'dedicated L/H shotgun? You probably still need the stock fit tweaked. The premium you pay and the delay doesn't seem worth it.

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but you're just paying for a L/H-opening top lever, and a L/H palm swell (if applicable) on a 'dedicated L/H shotgun? You probably still need the stock fit tweaked. The premium you pay and the delay doesn't seem worth it.


I wouldn't mind so much if I was getting the L/H top lever but all I'm getting for the three months wait is the stock with L/H cast. Apparently GMK have no L/H stocks and need to have one sent over from Italy.


I'm beggining to think I might have made a mistake and should have just bought the R/H one they had in stock :-(

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but you're just paying for a L/H-opening top lever, and a L/H palm swell (if applicable) on a 'dedicated L/H shotgun? You probably still need the stock fit tweaked. The premium you pay and the delay doesn't seem worth it.


I wouldn't mind so much if I was getting the L/H top lever but all I'm getting for the three months wait is the stock with L/H cast. Apparently GMK have no L/H stocks and need to have one sent over from Italy.


I'm beggining to think I might have made a mistake and should have just bought the R/H one they had in stock :-(



are you having the stock custom fitted to your request ??

have you shouldered a 682e prior to ordering ??


the reason i ask is i shot one for a year and change, never had a problem with it, even sold it to another lefty.

i understand stocks vary from gun to gun,but im sure you would have found one that fitted reasonably well enough to shoot then fit later when the bugs are worked out, i have a couple of guns myself and all of them are considered/sold as R/H'd ,,,,,,,,, though not by me.




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I had a play with the R/H version in the shop and it fitted like a glove, came to the shoulder well and swung beautifully.


I just assumed that as I shoot with a L/H Lamber deluxe that I would get the L/H 682. I didn't think I would have to wait till August to get it.


Having read the posts on here it seems there is very little difference between the casts of both guns.


I'll go back to the shop tomorrow and see if the R/H one is still there and if the bloke doesn't mind cancel the order for the lefty.

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I had a play with the R/H version in the shop and it fitted like a glove, came to the shoulder well and swung beautifully.


I just assumed that as I shoot with a L/H Lamber deluxe that I would get the L/H 682. I didn't think I would have to wait till August to get it.


Having read the posts on here it seems there is very little difference between the casts of both guns.


I'll go back to the shop tomorrow and see if the R/H one is still there and if the bloke doesn't mind cancel the order for the lefty.



now your cooking :good::lol: , when you put a bushel down the spout you wil know where the gun points and x-over, without trying to sound like an anorak try taking notes as to how you shot, where you shot, results and so on, you may find the stock needs altering slightly, but im betting a lot less than you thought so originaly, if its minor you wont even know you've adjusted your style to suit with good results.


i going to get creamed for this statement but whatever, us leftys are a lot more resiliant and versatile than those boring old rightys, its having to live in a opressive righty's world, i still use righty scissors upside down to cut paper with :lol: , i even found some lefthanded screwdrivers, my truck car and bike are left hand drive as well, cost more though :lol::lol:


let us know how you get on buddy



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