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Weaning on to pigeon


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I shot, and breasted 16 pigeon on my first shoot a few weeks back. I gave some away, froze some and left some in the fridge for b'fast the next day. I pan fired them and had them on a couple of slices of toast. I managed to eat them all but i cant say im a massive fan. The problem is i want to be a big fan because i never want to be limited to the amount of bird i shoot.


I read on here that some people soak rabbit in salt water overnight which takes some of the game taste away. Can i do the same for pigeon and gradually leave it in soak less and less each time?

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The rabbit/salt water thing is mainly for drawing out any blood and salt water is a mild anti-septic so it cleans a little as well.


It does take away some taste, too.


Pigeon is Horrible if overcooked. It tastes bad and its chewy and dry. treat it like a very good steak, minute and a half maximum skin side and minute the other.


Try some "Balackened Cajun" spice (schwartz I think it is), throw a few breasts in a bag with a good helping of that stuff, a little oil, chopped garlic, lemon or lime juice, chili (optional) and a glug of soy. Leave to marinade for 2 hours (preferably overnight in the fridge) and fry :good:


I also find the taste stronger if I leave them on the feather too long :lol:

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If you don't like the 'gamey' flavour try soaking them overnight in milk. This works for most game/wild meat especially deer liver. It's important NOT to overcook any game as it doesn't have much/any fat content and will dry out, go tough, taste pretty rank not to mention be chewy!

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Thanks for the replys and advice. I will give some of them a go. I may well have overcooked the pigeon thining of it now. It had a slight taste and texture of liver so i guess this means its overcooked.


I like my steak rare so i will take on the 1.5 mins a side rule. Failing that i will just eat them in caseroles etc. I might try PIN's recepie next.

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I generally soak pigeon meat in fresh water, in the fridge for a few hours before I cook it; either fried or grilled. If you're not sure of the taste, put it in curry! Another recipe -


4 pigeon breasts

1 tin chicken soup



Place breasts in baking tray

Pour soup on top

Chop broccoli and place in soup

Cook on gas mark 6 for around 40 - 45 minutes


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