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ferreting with longnet

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Hi all. Further to my recent post in the country section re our first attempy at longnetting. One of our local permissions has had us waging a war of attrition against the bunnies. They are in his fields, garden, orchard so decided to hit 'em with everything rifles, shotguns and including the ferrets.


The orchard is quite overgrown beneath the trees making shooting very difficult also it is quite near to the farmers house so from a safety aspect not really an option. With this in mind i decided to deploy the longnet and ferrets. I took my 75yd hemp net and encircled the bury which consisted of a 6 hole set and a 12' by 6' sheet of corrugated tin that has been left there since time immemorial and had 3 rabbit holes coming out from underneath it.


So i started with the 6 hole set. I was concerned about losing the ferret in the tall undergrowth despite us strimming it down to a sensible level and after talking to dead eye duck and YTS trainee we thought it would be a good idea to fit the locator collar and follow her progress underground straight away and take the chance on disturbing the rabbits underground(priority not to lose the ferret). So after posting the ferret and switching the locator box on off we went. I followed her round in a 5 - 6 foot circle for three turns, she was obviously in hot pursuit of a bunny underground and on the third revolution as i started to get dizzy HA HA out popped the rabbit like a champagne cork with the ferret in hot pursuit. The rabbit crashed into the long net and was firmly enmeshed as i killed it and picked up the ferret. Another 1 for my hand made net WOO HOO!


the sheet of tin was next. i popped the ferret into one of the holes and instantly a rumbling and crashing against the tin ensued which resulted in a tennis ball sized bunny running straight the the holes in the net without touching the sides. The ferret looked out of the hole it had exited and went straight back down, quickly followed by another rumbling and crashing against the tin as buny No2 made its bid for freedom and again was firmly enmeshed in the net. After administering the coup de grace out came the ferret and with time marching on i dedcided to call it time and head for home as i had a night shift to work later that day. A modest bag of 2 bunnies but we are gradually witling the numbers down and have accounted for around 20 in all now over the last couple of weeks. Will try to post the pics i took hope they work!









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