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Just seen my First hedgehog in years

novice cushie shooter

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Down here (Somerset) is a place called secret world where they take in abandoned or damaged hedgehogs for repair / rehab. I offered my place as a relocation site (out in the sticks with lots of undisturbed land) and was told a visit was required to assess its suitability as a hedgehog habitat. Visit took place but as my place is 100m from a quiet country a road it was deemed not suitable!!!

I lived in Milton Keynes in a residential estate and had lots of them in the garden but here in the country its deemed a risky location. :hmm:

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I've heard Secret World also mend and rehab broken foxes, & Badgers. I wonder how many other animals they give the death sentence to by doing this, including Mrs Tiggy-Winkle who they have just mended.

Edited by tonker
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