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Reporting convictions/offences


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In answer to a recent question on driving offences, it used to be that you only needed to report any convictions/offences that had been committed in the period since your last renewal. That has now been changed and you need to report ever single conviction/offence on each renewal.

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Yes, noticed that on my renewal form this week. Not easy to always remember any historic ones that far back. It did remind me I was summoned in front of Sutton Coldfield Magistrates for parking with no lights outside my digs in 1962. It was in a dead end pudding bag close and unfortunately a neighbour had been done for speeding only the week before and bubbled me. Embarrassing as I was a wet behind the ears Constable at the time with only a few weeks in the job. Cost me a few beers in the Police Club that did and if I remember a £2 fine. Heh! that was a fortune back then ... I was on £38 a month. Have you filled in all your ethnicity questions etc., as well? How much is all that nonsense costing the country ?

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