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cool picture iphone


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It's ok I suppose -- dog has a 'wonky' nose...


Just kidding, brilliant photo.

Am still always surprised at how mobile phone cams etc have progressed over the years.

Was an early 'digital' adopter- Panasonic 600k, so not even 1mp cam and the results were truly awful.

Took some footage on the iPhone of the little ones Birthday earlier in the year and it's amazingly good clarity.


Sorry to have digressed, but it got me reminiscing :-)

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I used to sell mavica cameras when i was at Sony.effectively a floppy drive with a lense etc. 40 standard or 20 hi-res images on a 1.44MB floppy disk. Imagine what the image quality was like....Sold millions of them.

I still have one of those up the loft. Impressive build quality for the time.

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