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Driver cpc course thankfull over


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i dont think that one day out of my working year is too much of an effort if it helps keep everyone safe.

And if you had to lose a days pay and also fork out £100 or so for that one day would you think the same?

No it isn't much effort but it is a tax.

21 hours only

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And if you had to lose a days pay and also fork out £100 or so for that one day would you think the same?

No it isn't much effort but it is a tax.

What do you mean?

if i thought that it would improve safety on the roads then yes id quite happily do it with a smile on my face.


like i said , id quite happily take my driving test every five years or so . i dont think the cpc courses go far enough , theyre a fantastic opportunity that is being wasted.

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How many of the foreign vehicles that hit our roads every day and don't pay tolls or parking fines have drivers with these cpc certificates tucked in their glove box.i have had these people turn up at my yard can't speak a word of English and do not know how to operate the push out trailer they are dragging behind them.their documents/licenses are virtually uncheckable.and we talkabout safety

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