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A performance artist has eaten a corgi live on radio in protest at Prince Philip's alleged torture of a fox.


Mark McGowanMark McGowan, 37, said the cooked canine - the Queen's favourite breed of dog - tasted "really, really, really disgusting".


The corgi, which died at a breeding farm, was minced with apple and onion.



Couple of points, the RSPCA investigated the incident with the fox and found no problem, secondly I am worried about where the corgi came from, sounds a bit like a puppy farm.



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Perhaps we need to changes our names, How can the world listen to someone called Poorva Joshipura?


PETA are the biggest hypocrites going when it comes to animals, and as for the PR**K who ate the corgi he deserves a public flogging.


Although I do agree about cruelty to animals and we should be more aware and doing more, I just don't consider the legitimate hunting that we participate in to be cruel.

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Graham M Reasons…SENSATIONALISM and REALITY TV etc part of our declining culture.


If you fancy eating a fox (and I’m sure there’s plenty on here would supply you with one AND the recipe) in front of a live audience then shooters might get a look in BUT for all the wrong reasons. This chap is a sad nobody who’s desperate to get himself seen/heard and will probably fad away into (artistic) oblivion. :good:


He claims to be a veggie so I even wonder if it was meat he ate…could’ve been quorn :good:

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Mr McGowan said after the show that his protest had been "very provocative, intentionally". "To me it was, as an art piece, exhilarating," he added.



Ah what a ******.


The voice of reason



Edited by Axe
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PETA, also dumped horse manuer outside ramseys restuarant, as last week janet street porter was selling horse meat (legally) to people at the races! Why the bloody hell don't the authorities do something about these nutters! They can break the law left, right and centre and yet the public are still listening to them! :good: Its ridiculous, if any other type of lobbying group (e.g. one against illegal immogrants) employed such tactics they would be fined, taxed, fined and proscuted (after being taxed and fined again).



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