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Unit Trusts


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Due to the interest rates being a joke, I was considering investing in some unit trusts.


Obviously I'd seek proper advice, but does anyone here dabble in stuff like that and is it worth it or just too much of a faff for little gain?



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In my experience it is worth it and it isn't that much faff at all. Proper advice will cost but depending on how much you have to invest it may dictate whether it's viable or not. Have a search for investment platforms if you want to do it yourself. There is some decent, easy to follow advice out there.


Think about...

Your situation and goals.

Understanding the risks.

Understanding the investment.

Investing through an ISA to avoid CGT.

Being aware of total costs.

Edited by yod dropper
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I dont have any now, and i dont know what the returns are now. But in the 90s I invested £ 8000 and within 10 months they were worth £12000, my wife and i had many years of expensive holidays with what they made. When the markets started to drop off I sold for £10,000. At that time i invested with the Co-op, CIS unit trusts. Hope it turns out well for you.

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