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Not a big bag but most enjoyable

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Well, I feel a bit like Lord Lucan or Shergar having not posted for a good few months.


I've had a very poor period over the last 6 months with plenty of outings but only small numbers of pigeons shot. I couldn't seem to get anywhere on the rape in the winter, very few birds seemed to be using the fields I have access to. So then I eagerly awaited the peas but they only produced smallish numbers, whereas last year the same crop on the same farm half a mile away produced some good numbers for me.


Today I went out to a barley field that adjoins a large strip of uncultivated ground that itself adjoins a field of rape. Neither the barley or the rape has been cut so they weren't really an option but I know from last year that this strip of land between them acts as a sort of runway. The pigeons don't seem to be feeding in there but it seems to provide a reliable flight line.


So, I set up on the edge of the barley with a good wind against my back which is ideal in this particular spot because the pigeons are coming back in towards the town against the wind.


Arrived just after 2.00pm and shot until about half 5 and ended up with 32 pigeons of which 27 were taken home. The birds provided some great sport and actually surprised me in that they were not consistent on a line but came from all directions. The 5 that were lost unfortunately fell in the standing barley but we're all cleanly killed I'm sure.


This particular farm should provide me with some good decoying opportunities in the next few weeks when the rape has been cut but I was happy to have a few to take home to top up the vastly diminishing freezer.

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Well done P for A not heard from you , but as one of my local shooters you to have confirmed what Bunny_Blaster and myself have found this season threat the normal patterns of birds and flightlines have not been evident.,you used local knowledge and had a respectful bag , well done . You should do well on the stubbles you just have to wait, a bit like angling.

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