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Here is some N355 footage.

After spending a few hours trying to call a fox in with Steve_B_Wales  this one decided to show it's self after we had unloaded the rifles and got back to the vehicle right outside the farm house.

Steve had a quick scan with his torch and picked up eye shine but with only a pair of eyes showing we couldn't confirm 100% if it was a fox. 

Also not a safe shot as there is a house behind.

Never mind, next time.



Edited by Ade1971
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I would just like to add to Ade's post above. When we had unloaded our rifles, and about to retrieve the trail cam (and talking etc while doing so) I shone my torch (with green beam) towards the woods. I picked up the set of eyes, but couldn't make out what they belonged too. We did think that they could belong to one of the farm cat's, as there's a few big one's about. I informed Ade about them and we both checked it out through our NV scopes. As the animal got up and moved away, I could then see that it looked more like  a Fox. We were 90% sure that it was a Fox, but always have to be 100% before any shot is taken (with a safe backstop of course) and as Ade mentioned, we couldn't take a shot even if we had wanted too, because there were farm buildings behind the woods, and also behind where the Fox can be seen walking on the field. Plus, being right by the farmhouse, we would never fired our rifles there anyway.

This Fox (I believe it's the same one we saw recently) has been giving us the slip more than once, and I'm sure that it will soon meet up with either a 55gr 22-250 bullet or a 100gr 243 one!

Ade's N355 scope is brilliant and if I didn't already have my Pulsar N750A, I would buy one.

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Thanks Steve. 

Apparently pulsar are brining out a new firmware upsate for the N355 to sharpen up the image on the video footage so it matches what the eye sees through the scope.




Lol thanks. ninjaferret. I will tell the farmers wife that when I'm carrying what's left of her cat to the farm :)

Edited by Ade1971
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