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Best way of bringing out of the crate

Lancs Lad

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Jaz is now 5 months old and being a good lad in the house, going to the back door etc when he wants to go out and only urinating if we dont notice hes gone and we are a bit late.


Want to take him out of his crate at night now......



Good or bad idea...........




We have dismantled his crate and left his bed out in the kitchen...........whats the dos and donts........



Probably wake up tomorrow to find **** all over my kitchen walls,,,,,,,,cupboards raided and big puddles of p all over the slate quarry tile..........

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We tried leaviung the crate up with the door open, but putting the bed outside it, but she still slept in the crate.

So, we took the crate away and it was just as though it had never been there...to her.

We were very pleased to get the whole of our kitchen back. :good:


That was some months ago and we had no "mistakes" problems at all, but you have to keep an eye on them.

Even if they go to the door during a good bit in Coronation Street, your wife still has to let her out. :look:

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My cocker pup is coming up to 5 months, and we have never closed the crate door at night. He gets a good walk on the beach about 6.30pm , then goes up the garden before we all to bed about 11pm. I take him outside at 6.30am and he is ready for a pee. The crate is in the kitchen and he has not messed on the floor for weeks.

So just give him a try with the crate door open .

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No mess........


Mind you he did wake me at 0615hrs this morning as I heard him padding around the kitchen........When will they learn that we dont get out of bed till 0900hrs on a weekend.


Let him out for a pee then put him in his run and went back to bed.........



No mess...................and nothing chewed.............




Wonder if it will be short lived and Ill get down the stairs all bleary eyed tomorrow morning, open the stair gate and step into a used chudleys and rice....... :blink:

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