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quick pigoen q.

Lefty gunz

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I went out decoying last night and shot afew the but they dont seem the same as the woodies ive been getting recently. They look like woodies except that the white neck ring isnt as well defined and has turquoisy colouring like ferals have.

It has been suggested to me that these may be french (the guy that told me that is quite often full of s^&t) or young ones.


I know someone on here will be able to tell me.


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Forgive my ignorance but ive only started shooting woodies this year, are the youngsters out of the nest and flying about now then? The farmer said hes seen quite alot over the past few days.



on there second brood now mate ask as many questions as you wish i will be glad to help if i can

me dad taught me all i now and you will pass it on somewhere hopefully :good:

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I went out decoying last night and shot afew the but they dont seem the same as the woodies ive been getting recently. They look like woodies except that the white neck ring isnt as well defined and has turquoisy colouring like ferals have.

It has been suggested to me that these may be french (the guy that told me that is quite often full of s^&t) or young ones.


I know someone on here will be able to tell me.



Do not pass go, pay a fine and go directly to jail! :good: From your description I'd say 'stock doves' which are protected. Unless you want a £2000 fine and lose your licence I'd make damn sure before shooting any more. Get yourself a good birdy book, study it carefully and learn to recognise what you can/can't shoot BEFORE going out NOT after.

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if it has a white bar on the wing its a young bird as stock doves have no white on them at all


Thanks, thats all i needed to know. I went today with a friend who hasn't been shooting long but he has kept and bred pigeons for years. He pointed out the characterisitcs of the youngsters.


Maybe my original post was unclear but they did have all the markings and colours of woodies BUT there seemed to be more purple/green sheen around the neck on some than others. I have been shooting for afew years and i do take care to identify targets before they get shot ( i may have come across as a complete newby to the shooting world).


Thanks for your input people. :blink:

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if it has a white bar on the wing its a young bird as stock doves have no white on them at all


Thanks, thats all i needed to know. I went today with a friend who hasn't been shooting long but he has kept and bred pigeons for years. He pointed out the characterisitcs of the youngsters.


Maybe my original post was unclear but they did have all the markings and colours of woodies BUT there seemed to be more purple/green sheen around the neck on some than others. I have been shooting for afew years and i do take care to identify targets before they get shot ( i may have come across as a complete newby to the shooting world).


Thanks for your input people. :rolleyes:



Definately young woodies, they seem to breed all year round i got my first one this year in Early March i think it was it must have been the mild winter

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