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Foam wings


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I the old grey matter is working well today I remember seeing a stall at the CLA (remember when it was sunny and dry) that was selling sets of foam wings and tails to attach to a full body decoy dose anyone know where I can get some of these from since the beer tent held to much attraction at the thime and I forgot. :*)



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I have just made 2 flying deeks for my rotary by using full bodied deeks and attaching to them a pair of wings cut from 4mm plywood.


I used a real wing to draw round and then cut out the ply with a coping saw and sprayed them up with matt grey car primer.


The wings were cut with a tab on them that pushes into a slot cut in the deeks and were simply secured with some grey duck tape.


I then filled the whole of the hollow body of the plastic deek with expanding foam which after it had gone off I cut to shape with a sharp knife.


The central stake of the cradle pushes into the foam body and the wings are drilled with two small holes through which I put a twist tie to secure the wings to the cradle arms.


The wing bars and feathers are then painted with matt paint and can be finished in matt water based varnish if required. The tail is not important because the feathers are not usually spread in flight accept when landing...


Although I say it myself they really work... and look good to boot.


The major outlay was the 1/4 sheet of 4mm ply £ 3.25 at Homebase, grey spray paint £ 4.25 and tin of expanding foam £ 4.29... Certainly cheeper than 34 quid for two flying deeks..


I will post a picture of one on the site next Monday



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The chap you can vaguely remember through your drunken haze ( :P:P ) is Chris Green from Liskeard, Cornwall Tel no 01579 340609. He's the one who usually does all the talks in the arena by the BASC stand, about decoying and different bird calls etc.


He sells the foam wings and tails that you want. They were about £5 to £7 a set .


I have gone down the same road as you and mounted full bodied decoys on my rotor arms. Then just stick the foam wings in. I did this mainly because I kept forgetting to get the dead birds out of the freezer the day before. :< :*)


Fisherman Mike,


As above, you did the same thing as me but do your wings flap in the wind as they go round..........mine do ........ :lol::D:lol::lol:

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I made mine from a roll of foam bedding bought from a local camping shop it was grey in colour so only needed white wing bars painted on,it cost about 6 pounds it's 6 feet long so plenty of spare to experiment with.



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I can get a pair of magnet deeks for £36 and there the dogs do doos!! If your interested drop me an e-mail and I'll let you know were to go. (No advertising on this forum!!!)


I still swear by real ones but it can sometimes take a while to get the first couple of the day that why I decided to get a couple.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Using a full body crow decoy I made wings and tail for flying crow decoy from old computer mouse mats. The underside is a perfect colour black and they float gently up and down on the rotary spinner. Very realistic and free. To provide anchorage I drilled three holes in underbody which secure tightly into cradle arms.Has worked a treat and is very realistic when used with large owl decoy.

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