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Best Ear Defenders?????


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I am mainly into clay shooting but also some rabbits and may do some game next year.


Have ordinary ear defenders at moment and was thinking about buying some electronic ones.


Prices seem to vary from £80ish upto £200.


Do you REALLY get that much better defenders at that price?


The blurb on the expensive box talks about improved hearing for hunting etc.


Any recomendations?



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A subject close to my heart.


If you do a search you will find some debate from a few weeks ago.


A few years ago I paid just short of £100 for a pair if Deben electronic earmuffs. They are fine, and do amplify the background sound, which makes it easier to comunicate with your shooting partners or to hear pigeon wings etc. They are particularly beneficial to me as my hearing is impared. I would not shoot without them. You can now also obtain a similar product that is solar powered. If my pair ever go wrong I will invest in a pair of the solars.


Dont forget that electronic muffs are no more effective than standard good quality muffs, but they offer the advantages outlined above. Dont buy rubbish, its your hearing that you are messing with.





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I invested in a pair of the Deben electronic ear muffs about the same time as Webber and for all types of shooting they are the dogs nuts, especially stalking. I would like a pair of custom made electronic ear defenders that fit into the ear but alas, at £300 ish I cant afford it. Webers right, don't mess with your hearing you damage it you loose it forever.


Col Pol

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If you don,t feel comfortable in the ear muff type protectors (I don,t) then take a look at "Noisebreakers" by Emtex Laboratories.

They are made to fit your ear, under £100, I have used them for 3 or 4 years and they are excellent.

Their advert is on page 115 of April Sporting Gun. :P

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There is a company called 'Green Leopard' who makes similar things to what Cranfield has - However I think they are a bit cheaper.


I had soame made a few years ago, when shooting at Bisley. The experience of having them made isn't that pleasant, however, they are really good. I prefer them to my electronic ones, as they don't get in the way when shooting, especially when using a shotgun.

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Guest Mr Pieman

I've got all sorts! Peltor standard, Peltor Electronic and a pair of filtered Green Leopards!


The electronics are best for clays and shooting when there is someone to chat to.


The standard 'cans' I tend to use on the rifle range - in conjunction with the Leopards. The Leopards I use on their own when out shooting and I know I won't be firing too many shots. The sound actually penetrates your ear around and through the cartilage of the ear, not just the auditory canal - that's the bit we all pick wax out of :*) - which means the inner ear type plugs don't always give sufficient protection. I recently got a terrible headache at Bisley when zeroing my 6.5 x 55 as the rain stands (old corrugated tin roofs) amplified and trapped the sound. The only solution for me was to use the leopards AND a set of cans.


My ears may well be hyper sensitive but think carefully before buying inner ear plugs 'cos they don't keep all the noise out as the sound will sneak in around the side of your skull! :P


At the end of the day, the choice, as they say, is yours!! :P:lol:



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The ones described by Cranners if fitted with a filter only shutdown when the noise goes over a certain decibel rating, they dont "filter the noise" like the electronic ear muffs or inserts.


The ear plugs (electronic) version are classed by the manufacturers as micro electronics and thus attract a price of £300 ish as opposed to the ear muffs (More room to fit the circuit board)


A word of caution, I have found the ear plug type need to replaced after two or three years as either your ear changes shape of the material changes in someway. I am on my second pair of ear plugs, I found the whole experience of having them fitted very very nice indeed, quite erotic I thought, but hey each to their own :P:P


I usually use my ear plugs for stalking on my own for the same reasons as Mr P.

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