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Recommendation of SBS

Andy W

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I have been thinking of purchasing a side by side for a while now but it is a minefield out there, a mate has recommended taking a look at the new BSA shotguns and another mate says you are better off with a AYA model 3 from the 80's, someone else says a Beretta.


Are there sporter SBS available as there are OU guns, and what about stock styles and single or double trigger, any recommendations guys, oh and budget up to about £750.

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A lot of the "main" manufacturers seem to concentrate on over and unders and semi autos nowadays.


The recommendation to look for a good secondhand AYA is a good one.

These are very well made guns and last a lifetime with care.


I would look for a No4 ejector, straight hand stock (which is usually the norm),single trigger and choked 1/4 and 3/8, have a look on Guntrader, you should be able to get one for under £500.

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