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Hi All!


We went for drive-abouts as usual and there were little pockets of pigeons here there and everywhere, due to all of the combining been done or being done in our patch.


Decided to set up on some cut rape and had a mixed reaction to the decoy pattern.


After a few pigeons had been shot I felt the magnet was definitely spooking them into decoying as they should, and that was with HYPA FLAPS attached.


I fetched the magnet in and we shot a few more but less flight action as there was and they were not hitting the deeks . Most of the birds shot were just flying past high and fast.


I then decided to mount two dead birds onto the magnet and put it out 10yds to the left of the hide but only 10 feet from the hedgerow and the pigeons started to fly in a lot better.


We picked up 180 in total at the end of the day and I then drove into the next field where the farmer had been combining all day and told him how many we had shot and he said he had been watching us doing the business and thanked me for our efforts.


Out today AGAIN, nice and early as it's gonna be HOT! HOT! HOT!




7 litres of frozen drinks to take with us as well. 6 for us 1 for the dogs.


:) shooting to you all.



Dave K

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