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Friday Fox


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1 of our shoot members is in another shoot and they,ve got a few fox about.They shot 1 and saw another 2 whilst combining a field of rape a few days ago.Was asked if i,d go up so reluctantly ;) said aww go on then ;)


He showed me the field which had a large tree on a brow in the middle of it.This will do says i and proceeded to explain and show him the NV.It,s even better on the scope i says ,you get the magnification,here i,ll show you.Attached the Archer and looks through to ensure it,s ok and see,s 2 bright eyes coming through the hedge ;) had a bit of a squeak but no real interest,got him to stop momentarily side on 120yds or so crack and down he goes.Shoot member thinks this is awesome as he was watching through my other NV.


We retrieved the fox (dog) returned to the tree only to see another 1 coming up the hedge,this 1 was not interested in any call and as there was a slight dip up the side of the field he was really hard to pick out.Also as with the 1st being in stubble the infra red laser makes his outline blend in a bit,but could follow him ok.It just wouldn,t stop for more than a second so took a chance and missed.He jumped,then carried on as if nothing had happened but slipped through the hedge and away.


After examining the 1st fox it looks like rifle is shooting high so called it a night.Will check zero and we,re going up on Sunday again ;)




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What camera are you using g.h if you dont mind me asking that is a lovely clear pic for nightime?


Samsung..10.1 pixel thingy,s ;) i just leave it on auto,point in the general direction,let the flash do the rest and then zoom the picture in and crop it. ;) not much i don,t know about photography eh? ;);):)


Was half price in Currys..well thats what they told me but it worked as i bought it ;)



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