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A dog IS just for Xmas


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14 hours ago, Lord Geordie said:

Some folk should never be allowed to own them. I was in Morpeth today coming out of home bargains, a bloke walks past, kids in tow with a lovely border collie. The dog walked into his path and made him stumble a little. He called the dog worse than ****, the the ****** kicked the dog :mad: 

after he was confronted for his action, he said “ do what I want, it’s my durg” 

should have been taken around back and treat like his dog. :no: 



people like that are muppets and should be prosecuted no warnings or the like there are ways to let your dog know its done something wrong without physical contact.

the last time me and my mate [hes built like a brick ****house and has a switch not a temper] were at raby castle show while walking round encountered 3 young chavs you know the type walk round all day every day dressed from head to toe in realtree cammo all with bull cross lurchers bragging to anyone who was stupid enough to listen to then how many "pigs" their dog had done . any how one of the muppets for whatever reason decided to rag this pup round by the lead then kick it a few times . that action immediately hit my mates RED BUTTON he walked straight over to them grabbed the dog off the one who was kicking it passed the lead to me turned and hit the kid that hard it lifted off his feet and put him straight on his behind then turned to the other 2 and asked if they wanted the same and that if he ever seen them again that day they had better not be abusing the dogs . after he apologised for kicking the pup we gave the lead back and walked away . for the rest of the day at the show we crossed paths repeatedly and the lads were like little school kids … now before you all start I know he,d probably do the same to the pup once away from the show but at least for a couple of hours it was safe-ish

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1 hour ago, hodge911 said:

people like that are muppets and should be prosecuted no warnings or the like there are ways to let your dog know its done something wrong without physical contact.

the last time me and my mate [hes built like a brick ****house and has a switch not a temper] were at raby castle show while walking round encountered 3 young chavs you know the type walk round all day every day dressed from head to toe in realtree cammo all with bull cross lurchers bragging to anyone who was stupid enough to listen to then how many "pigs" their dog had done . any how one of the muppets for whatever reason decided to rag this pup round by the lead then kick it a few times . that action immediately hit my mates RED BUTTON he walked straight over to them grabbed the dog off the one who was kicking it passed the lead to me turned and hit the kid that hard it lifted off his feet and put him straight on his behind then turned to the other 2 and asked if they wanted the same and that if he ever seen them again that day they had better not be abusing the dogs . after he apologised for kicking the pup we gave the lead back and walked away . for the rest of the day at the show we crossed paths repeatedly and the lads were like little school kids … now before you all start I know he,d probably do the same to the pup once away from the show but at least for a couple of hours it was safe-ish

That's how I ended up with this little fella, Max.Some smack head was really kicking into him.We pulled over an Josh dropped the scumbag on the bottom and I seized the dog.It was estimated to be about 13 weeks old when the vet checked him out.Flee ridden,malnourished with very little hair.However he is back to full health,with all his injection and micro chipped.

The police couldnt of been nicer to be honest. When I told them Josh had no option but to hit the guy to stop him potentially killing the dog.The officer said "it's easy to get a bust nose if one falls over"



Edited by Davyo
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in 2010 started chemo      by the end of the first  treatment  the neighbours got a ****su    un planned       that ****** barked its brains out evert time anyone came to the door or left    / or  left on its own for hours and barked for half hour after return while they whooped him up whos a good boy etc / family came round or left  regularly /  a mouse breaks wind at 3am etc / barking its brains out 

I begged and pleaded with them to keep it quiet / had to leave home go to my brothers to rest while going through chemo  and for  months after      mrs didn't want to upset neighbours by reporting them   I would just have to live with it        the blasted thing died a month ago    life is good now 

I have always had working  spaniels and labs  for the last 30 + yrs before that sheepdogs      and god help them if they bark        and if they growl everyone is out       whos about as acting as guard dogs      however  neighbours would not accept any advice on training whatso ever he likes to bark  they said as they shouted louder to be heard       life is good now   ( piece full)    long may it last  

  only god will help  anyone mistreating a dumb animal in my presence       they will never forget meeting me     or they can come round for some lessons on training  them to handle their dog       been working out good so far   

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