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Close range vixen

Guest fred101

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Guest rabgoat

went out last night just as it was gettin dark,armed with my TRACER MAX PRO (RED FILTER), bresser NV MONOCULAR, U CALLER,new RXII range finder,CZ 17 HMR-FED V SHOK ammo,started off zapping different points off the area with the RXII just for measure,i decided tonite not to over do it with the U CALLER,i would usually have it on full blast for long periods and sometimes with an external speaker,tonite i just used the built in speaker,kept it at it's lowest setting and played the rabbit squeal for about a minute,had a few scans through the NV nothing doing at first,then had another look in about 5 mins,the fox was coming straight at me about 60 yds and fast,put the NV in the bag, put the lamp up, had it well dimmed down, i couldn't see it rite away thought it had heard me and did one,scanned round all in front of me and it was a lot closer than i expected it was sniffin the air like mad,it showed no interested to the light at all,the only time it looked my direction was when i give squeek with my lips she stopped looked my way, crack just behind the shoulder,the round or some of it passed rite through,you can see the small exit wound in the pic,she dropped like a stone.foxno217hmr130807liscorfh4.jpg

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Well done - sometimes they do suprize you - we have been out calling a fox which we have seen in front of us, only to have 1 brush past your legs coming in from behind.

Keep up the good work. :lol:


I'll bet you needed a clean pair of pants after that! :lol: :lol:

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Guest rabgoat

cheers lads,i hope known brush past my feet esp. in the dark,im afraid of them when there still alive :lol: :lol:when i was walking over to the fox after i shot it i felt something run over my boot nearly cacked myself,prob a rat

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Guest rabgoat
only to have 1 brush past your legs coming in from behind

are you sure this was not rob getting a bit excited. :lol:

nice one but i hope u only took a photo befor you shot it after useing the u caller to bring it in not a cleaver thing to post mate

whats this,first iv'e heard of it,it's illegal for calling birds,to be shot

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Guest rabgoat

tell you what the SPORTING GUN MAGAZINE would need to watch out cause iv'e read two articles in it in recent months by a gamekeeper culling fox's by using the U CALLER,,,WINCHESTER are you sure.

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i hope u only took a photo befor you shot it

How in the name of bejasus are you supposed to take a pic of a freshly shot fox without shooting it? :lol::lol: Since when do you think calling in a fox with an electronic call and then shooting it is illegal maybe so with winged vermin for some mad reason but nothing wrong with getting a fox in this manner keep at them rabgoat :):lol:

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Rabgoat well done mate,


the trouble is some people post without checking the facts it is not ILLEGAL to use for foxes only BIRDS

if they checked the search option its been covered loads of times ...


get out there and get some more and post the pictures... :lol:

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Guest rabgoat

thanks lads for your posts,(well most of them) :lol: it's just a pity some lads wouldn't make sure of facts before they say we're breakin the law (U CALLER),it would make some people think twice before they put all there details in about a shoot /hunt, i try to put as much detail in as possible, because i find when reading other guys stories i learn a lot from there experiences,that's what it's all about isn't it, i stuck the pic on again,i must learn how to use photobucket or sommit,....cheers

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