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Info on Airsoftguns please ?


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I was just having a look through a website at the Archery equipment and ended up looking at Airsoft guns, I was quite shocked at the price ! But this made me wonder if they are that price what are you getting for it ? How far will they shoot ? What sort of foot pound are they ? What are the laws on them  ?, Why are there different pellet weights available ? This is not something I wish to pursue but I'm just interested, the only time I used a Airsoft gun was when I brought my lad at about 12 a cheap airsoft pistol after he had ,had it for a while and we where sick of finding little yellow plastic BB's everywhere I decided to shoot myself in the leg at point blank range ( this was a very bad idea !) boy did it hurt and I had a large black bruise the shape of a doughnut Mrs Badger couldn't stop laughing ! 

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Basically cheap paintball guns but imitation firearms. Range, 30 yards max (unless your lucky and have a decent hop up system in place) , ftlb I think they have to be under 0.5ftlb, that also depends on the site you use them, the weight is to help with stability (the hop up system) as they are not rifled barrels they just spin, you can only buy bright orange guns unless you can prove you are part of a air soft club. 

Ive not had many, only cheap ones, but my brother who's a decade or 2 younger has literally spend thousands on them. Some were fun, he had a m249, saw and that was like a lazer of bbs and pain. Many a cut and bruise from his collection. 

I could never get into it, some of them are hundreds of pounds each, then you either need gas or batterys to be competitive unless you are a 'sniper'. 

Its big business in some places. 

I used to shoot the flys off the ceiling with mine but after 5 yards not much accuracy as it was just cheap junk

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As long as they are under 2.5 joules for single shot type and 1.3 joules for auto type guns they will be classed as imitation firearms sec 57(4) of the 68 Act.  Does  not mean much in England, but in Scotland it means you don't need a air weapons licence. Normal power level for a gun to be classed as firearm is normally 1 joule, but the above exemption for power is applicable for Airsoft.

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I  must admit it's not something I would want to do but if others enjoy it good luck to them. I had a look on Youtube and realized that one people spend a fortune on all the gear and two as said there must be some money involved for people to setup such large pieces of land and scenarios for the players to get involved in.

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