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Browning Cynergy

Lough Neagh

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The Cynergy is a cracking gun to shoot, very pointable and well balanced. Very little recoil too. I would buy one myself but unfortunately I just can't seem to get away with stepped ribs. I've used most of the range now and my only criticism is that the Black Ice model is very barrel-heavy so it's easy to swing straight through a target. I've never experienced any problems with the trigger system either.

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My personal opinion, based on shooting one of the lads Black Ice at my local clay club....is that it is one of the most unbalanced

shotguns I have ever held. Extremely front heavy, and a fairly ropey trigger.


Compared to my old Beretta and my new Blaser, I can only describe the Cynergy as 'cheap and nasty'.

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I've never experienced any problems with the trigger system either.


you obviously havent tried a blaser trigger then, the two are worlds apart


I've used a couple of Blasers actually, and didn't notice anything special about the trigger, but I was too busy wincing over the kick it was giving me to really give it much attention. Blasers are a great gun, but sadly the ones I have used have battered me something rotten. :welcomeani:

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I've never experienced any problems with the trigger system either.


you obviously havent tried a blaser trigger then, the two are worlds apart


I've used a couple of Blasers actually, and didn't notice anything special about the trigger, but I was too busy wincing over the kick it was giving me to really give it much attention. Blasers are a great gun, but sadly the ones I have used have battered me something rotten. :welcomeani:


shouldnt do, they have every recoil absorbing trick in place and all of the ones ive shot are fine, including my dads and a good few others, The only thing i can think of that has been documented is the Sporter Blasers often gave people head aches from the shockwave being reflected off the counter weights in the rear of the stock, removing these solved this problem. However this has been the demise of a few blaser/owner relationships.


I would love to say i was one sided in this argument, but i cant afford a blaser and i shoot a miroku for my sporter gun and have shot cynergys, i would walk through fire to say browning was better than beretta, but browning is just not better than blaser.


*appologise for complete lack of capitals, i cant be bothered

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well every blaser owner i know seems to have got rid of theres due to build quality / reliability issues.

i cant knock there handling and the trigger pulls when they work, but for me id rather get a browning 325/425 and have something that will take the abuse and just keep going. if you want crisp trigger pulls buy a perazzi with v springs.

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well every blaser owner i know seems to have got rid of theres due to build quality / reliability issues.

i cant knock there handling and the trigger pulls when they work, but for me id rather get a browning 325/425 and have something that will take the abuse and just keep going. if you want crisp trigger pulls buy a perazzi with v springs.


my miroku has been back to the factory :lol:


My dads Blaser hasnt


Its one of these arguments that theres no right answer to, still fun to try and find one though :wub:

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I have only had one issue with my Blaser and that was down to it not being cleaned thoroughly in the action. (My fault)


The only guns I have felt better triggers on are my Anschutz and RPA.


I was going to buy a Cynergy two years ago but after handling one at the game fair decided not to. It just didn't feel right to me.

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