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Deer culling job


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I have just been offered employment as a Deer culler. I have been told that the job requires a set amount of Deer to be culled (to order) from a Deer park.

Before I go wayyyy and say 'yes il do it', does anyone else get a bad feeling about this? im all up for Deer stalking and I am infact about to apply for a large callibre rifle. But do you think this is a good job? and would I be requirin to have a DSC certificate for this.





P.S my mentor shoots on a Deer estate and said nothing of it. Just mentioned 'cull days' to which I am not sure about.

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Thanks for your reply.


I am unsure about your post due to safe shot placment. Is this due to the fact park deer may be close together?


I have grown up with head shot placment, I use it on everything with good results (though a smaller target) so I would be fine with that.

What im also not sure about is if its the right thing to do, killing deer in a park. Im sure I would get permision to shoot there for vermin control too which is a good thing.

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The bloke who works in a gun shop near me does this.

Basically they go into the park on set days and as George says they take deer out of large groups.

They very rarely get a chance of heart/lung shot is is almost always head/neck, and once they start culling some of those shots can be quite long range.


I wouldn't let any of that put you off, you will learn more in a day doing it than any amount of theory that can be thrown at you, and ultimately if you are unhappy about a shot you don't have to take it.


Last time I spoke to the bloke in question they had been out the evening before and shot well into double figures, so that is lot of larder experience as well!

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The reason they have Culls is to keep the population in check, and in Park deer it hardly seems fair because they are in an enclosed area (albeit a rather large one). But this is still a necessary reason.


I say you should say yes and then find out once in there exactly what it is they require. DSC1 may be required and to be honest not a bad requirement, you get good training and they get somebody competent in dispatch.


Good opportunity for you.


All the best.



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this is a population control activity nto a sporting one, and as the meat is normally sold on to help the up keep of the park the parks i know of all take headshots from next to no range, ive been offered a place to go and give a hand, but its not quite my thing tbh.


However its a job in the countryside helping to maintain a deer park, sounds right up your street and it might well lead to other things, i would seriously consider it if i was you.

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Personally its not the sort of thing I'd be interested in doing, because as stated it will be shooting half tame deer. It is a necessary activity though so somewhere between sportsman and slaughterman. On one side it will give you experience of killing and processing deer but on the other hand it may turn out to be fairly distressing for you.

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Thanks very much for all your replies!


I have decided to take it up due to the fact it will give me some good training, and it will help with getting a stalking calibre.

What I must now do is get my DSC done pronto then apply for a variation, with all fingers crossed.

If I dont like it I can always quit... If I never try, il never get the other opportunities as Dunganick says.


The Deer park local to me is certianly not for tame Deer, its restirced access, no public can wonder around.. this is where my Mentor has helped me along with centerfire rifles, and also does cull days.

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