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Foxy on dusk with the hmr


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I went out on dusk to check out a spot where foxes have been seen on a recent lamping trip :lol:


They were there :lol: - I spotted one from the road with the bins so parked up and planned the stalk.


I have my .243 in for upgrading at the moment - stock & trigger - so had to take the .17hmr, so distance was a concern.


Anyway, to cut a long story short as I approached a corner in the field I heard three shotgun blasts come from where the fox was :lol: . It turned out to be two new members and were only scaring pigeons :lol: . So much for my quiet stalk. Time for plan B. Luckily I had some bait with me - I carry it everywhere I go :lol:


So I decided to sit it out on the stubbles. After about an hour and getting dark I had a scan with the bins and saw one coming from behind me - not the spooked one from earlier. It had quite a trot on but stopped 85 yards away - perfect for a chest shot off the bipod. The hollow point did the job.




I need to return for the other one or two.


Happy Hunting


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CCi's for me group ok through my cz, but remingtons are way better, you wont get half as many runners from them either.


I remember one instance when i shot a rabbit with 20grn ccis for it for go through one side of the rabbit lengthways and out the other side, you wont get that with 17grn remmis though.



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