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Essex Mafia Sunday morning


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It was won on a 46, the top 6 scores from each team get added together and then it is an aggregate from the home and away shoots.


Today we beat terling 257/300 to 246/300, unfortunately we had to beat the web footed lot by 24 clays overall so they won the shield again :yes:


However like the guy that runs the shoot said, "We can't afford the engraving anyway"


I missed out on 6th place by 1 clay.


Never mind there is always next season.


Incidentally, anyone who is interested in shooting at my other sunday morning shoot it is behind the Beckingham Bell pub on the last sunday of the month.Starts at 10AM and they do tea, coffee and Bacon rolls, and have a decent clubhouse that sells a decent pint or two ;) (after shooting of course)


If you type Tolleshunt Major into Google maps the triangular grass field in the middle of the screen is where we shoot.

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Monday Madness Warm up shoot, Tollesbury, Deepest Darkest Essex.


Sorry for the delay lads in posting. Came home and promptly set about throwing up and S******g through the eye of a needle. Nice not to have to go to work today, but for all the wrong reasons.


Before I post the score, have to say an enjoyable morning out with those I have met already and those I met for the first time. The only reason Munglers score looks so bloody good is because he trapped most of the stands and he trapped the rabbit, which whilst I hit it 6 foot in the air :yes: was what can only be described as a fast rocketing, mini looping, Kanagroo :lol::lol:


Scores on the doors then: -


Mungler 43/50

Bagsy 39

Scott Richardson 38

MC 38

LV 35

Derek Richardson 33

SS 32

EE 27

M Alderson 26

Roger 22

Reuben 19 Winner of the inaugral Gaylord Cap I believe.


Good craic, and nice to shoot somewhere different with new people.


SS ;)

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Thanks for posting them SS.


Well shot Bagsy, I dont know about a biker cap, you should have a Sombrero mate !!!!


As Mung ALWAYS wins (yawn) I suggest that 2nd place is the new winners position !! :lol:





Monday Madness Warm up shoot, Tollesbury, Deepest Darkest Essex.


Sorry for the delay lads in posting. Came home and promptly set about throwing up and S******g through the eye of a needle. Nice not to have to go to work today, but for all the wrong reasons.


Before I post the score, have to say an enjoyable morning out with those I have met already and those I met for the first time. The only reason Munglers score looks so bloody good is because he trapped most of the stands and he trapped the rabbit, which whilst I hit it 6 foot in the air :yes: was what can only be described as a fast rocketing, mini looping, Kanagroo :lol::lol:


Scores on the doors then: -


Mungler 43/50

Bagsy 39

Scott Richardson 38

MC 38

LV 35

Derek Richardson 33

SS 32

EE 27

M Alderson 26

Roger 22

Reuben 19 Winner of the inaugral Gaylord Cap I believe.


Good craic, and nice to shoot somewhere different with new people.


SS ;)

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Actually it was me who trapped on the rabbit and it was me that moved the clay further up the arm after the complaints were heard. Which is why it ended up 10 foot in the air and myself and mungler chuckling like a pair of schoolkids.


Had I have known it was SS shooting at that time I would have veried them a bit more. Nothing like a sporting clay. :yes:;)


I was trying to get a pair in the trap as well but that didn't work properly.

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Actually it was me who trapped on the rabbit and it was me that moved the clay further up the arm after the complaints were heard. Which is why it ended up 10 foot in the air and myself and mungler chuckling like a pair of schoolkids.


Had I have known it was SS shooting at that time I would have veried them a bit more. Nothing like a sporting clay. :lol::no:


I was trying to get a pair in the trap as well but that didn't work properly.

as you decided to pick me up on something that did not concern you I would like to point out you have spelt Veried ? more? , :yes:;):lol::lol: please miss M C has made a mistake?

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Grow up will you, I told you to get off your high horse as you were sulking about having a **** joke removed, I was not sucking up to the moderators, I have no need to. You on the other hand seem to have a problem with them because you didn't get your own way over something pathetic. This is a forum for shooters and the sport of shooting, not for some nerd who sits at a computer signing up to the latest forum that may make you look cool when you cyber meet with all the other geeks.


You reply is nothing short of being Gaylordian (insert a finger sticking up smiley here)

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SS, hope you're feeling better - probably a little something the natives put in the tea before the shoot :lol:


Mungler, I watched you take on that pair of nutty simo's going away into the field and you were dusting 'em good and proper. That was some top shooting and a class score with the targets on offer :yes: I like LV's idea about second place being the winner though ;)


Actually it was me who trapped on the rabbit and it was me that moved the clay further up the arm after the complaints were heard. Which is why it ended up 10 foot in the air and myself and mungler chuckling like a pair of schoolkids.


Had I have known it was SS shooting at that time I would have veried them a bit more. Nothing like a sporting clay. :lol::lol:


I was trying to get a pair in the trap as well but that didn't work properly.


Nice one MC, was a brilliant way to end the day - bunnies will never seem the same again!

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