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The Hungry Gap


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Absolutely.  I keep one feeder going in each drive until at least April but it sometimes depends on how much wheat we have left over at the end of the season.  I've got my feeders very well vermin-proofed and keep the squirrels down so it goes quite a long way.  Takes a lot of effort though!

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On 23/02/2022 at 22:39, Jim Neal said:

Absolutely.  I keep one feeder going in each drive until at least April but it sometimes depends on how much wheat we have left over at the end of the season.  I've got my feeders very well vermin-proofed and keep the squirrels down so it goes quite a long way.  Takes a lot of effort though!

Good on you 

Im feeding the finches and tits with sunflower seed , rape seed mixed with wheat 

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I have about thirty pheasants which roost in my wood from the next door shoot and they enjoy the food I put out for the wild bird population on the six purpose built feed tables in there.  I am going to start and spread some wheat around the tables as well just for these pheasants and hopefully they will be well fit to lay some good clutches in the spring.  Don't have any problems with tree rats or other verminous things as they tend to dpeart this world very quickly.

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