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How long does proof last?


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How long does a gun proof last?


Also how much does it cost to have one re-proofed?


The reason i ask is i am thinking of buying one that may be out of proof,it is from an auction so they can sell it out of proof (i think) :D


I know roughly what to look for but any pointers would be helpfull



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My understanding is that the gun remains in 'proof' while the barrel diameter measurements permitted tolerance (at which is was originally tested) is not exceeded by ware. After this tolerance has been exceeded it may be reproofed at a lower pressure or declined all together.


FIRC, it is illegal, without exception, to sell an 'out of proof' firearm.


Check before you buy it, or you will be stuffed. I think proofing fees are in the hundreds, but I may be wrong.

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Cheers lefty,i thought they could sell them out of proof at auction as they are selling it as "sold as seen"with no implcation that it is in working condition.


But like i said i am no expert,i just know i preffer the shot to come out of the "end" of the barrel :D


So do the proof marks not have a time limit?

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I know a while ago a lot of dealers and gunsmiths used to buy out of proof guns and sleeve them, and have them re-proofed. This would be expensive for the general public but gunsmiths who sleve guns anyway could do it as and when.


Im sure now it is illegal to sell any gun out of proof which is why in auctions you now see 'stock action and forend' of >>>> for sale as the barrels are out of proof so cant be sold.


Im sure this is relativley new legislation tho.


Your gun may have just above the legal limit left on its tubes or may only be proofed for blackpowder.


Proof Marks do not go out of date but prove the gun was within limits when it was tested, any major barrel work, black to nitro powders or the barrel walls becoming thin will give reason for it to be re-proofed which its then shown by a re-proof mark.

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It is illegal to sell a gun that is out of proof. the offence is with the seller not the buyer.


A gun is out of proof if it exceeds the next size up to which it was proofed for whatever reason. (wear , damage, boring, alteration that substantially weakens etc)


ie if a 12 bore originally proofed at .719" was bored out to remove pitting it could be reproofed at .729" or .740" and would not again be out of proof until the next size had been reached.


It is theoretically possible to reproof a 12 bore 5 times although unlikely as the barrels would have originally been as thick as gas pipes.


Cost of proof via a dealer with carriage costs is likely to be around £60-70 but usually the gun needs other work to ensure it is in a fit state for rep[roofing - ie tightening the action to barrels etc.


NOTE:- Proof is now in metric sizes not imperial so although the principal is the same the sizes are metric.

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