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My way with sloe gin

henry d

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First get your sloes, these were collected on top of a cliff and varied in ripeness so I left a ripe banana on top of them for a few days this gets them all nice and ripe, but watch for signs of rot.



I use "le parfait" jars just because I have them, but demijohns or empty spirit bottles will work, and fill up to 2/3-3/4 full of pricked berries. Some people like to freeze the berries overnight to split the skins and burst the fruit cells, but I just sit with my feet up watching the goggle box and it`s soon done.



I then add a few tablespoonfuls of sugar. This draws out the juices and after an hour or so I add around a big handful of sugar and fill to within an inch or so of the top with a good gin. I use Plymouth dry, strangely I hate any gin, as it is 41.2% as opposed to 37% or so for cheapo gin, the reason is to ensure it won`t ferment and to give a stronger spirit.



The one on the left has been shook more than the left one and this is the following morning and shows the colour leaching out.



The hard bit is just leaving it in a cool dark cupboard, but it will be well worth it. I have a friend who leaves it for a month then strains and bottles it, I like to leave it 3 months so it is ready for the cock shoots, which lets face it are just social occaisions. I have deliberately left out how much sugar to put in as this is the fun thing.

Set an evening aside and get the jar(s) out of the cupboard and taste it and add some sugar or honey if it needs it and shake, then taste again, then add some more sugar/honey if it needs it ................. you get the idea !

If you haven`t polished it off in a oner, gently pour it into your chosen bottle using a funnel and I use a seive with a piece of kitchen roll that has been dampened with gin or, if you have such a thing, a jelly bag.


You will then have a dilema, do you throw out the sloes NO ! or do you fill the jar with sherry and allow them to sit until the next season opens, or do you remove the stones keep the fruit and mix with choccy and nuts(toasted almonds are superb) to create an adult fruit and nut ?? and remember you can do both the above !!!! Decisions decisions !


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Fantastic post. Haven't had any yet this year, although I haven't been out and about as much as usual. The blackberry crop looked like it would be outstanding early on, but didn't really come to much in the end here. Has anyone seen much sloe action yet? Apart from you Henry, obviously, who has quite clearly filled his boots! I'd be interested to know if anyone has had much in the north of England, esp W Yorks.

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