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First time in a pigeon hide with Tom


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We set off around 1pm to try and shoot a few pigeon on some wheat stubble. This is the first time Tom has been out shooting like this bareing in mind he's only 22 months old, with the decoys out and we settled in the hide it wasn't long before the first pigeon came near but missed never mind as for me it's more about how the dog reacts. With quite a few misses and a few shot and Tom never moved not even figiting about. I did let him have a couple of retrieves including his first runner,he did pick it up albeit a bit scruffy. This continued for the 3 and a half hour's we have been out. It was only near the end of the session when I had a couple of minor indiscretions for which I didn't mind,we shot around 30 pigeon and missed a lot more but more importantly Tom did very well. 



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